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17 2024.10




“海南省热带生物资源可持续利用重点实验室”于2010年由科技部批准成立。实验室从海南省社会经济发展和学科建设的需要出发,以海南省特色的热带海洋资源、热带微生物、热带作物资源等为研究对象,全面、系统地开展热带生物资源可持续利用的基础和应用基础研究。实验室着重于新基因的鉴定、功能分析和潜在应用价值的探索,以实现生物技术和生物材料技术的源头创新。实验室已初步建立了具有热带特色的生物资源可持续利用研究体系和技术平台。2010 年以来,实验室共承担国家及省部级科研项目 40 项,其中“973”课题 1 项,“转基因生物重大专项 4 项,国家自然科学基金面上项目 2 项,国家自然科学基金地区项目 26 项,国家自然科学基金青年基金项目 1 项,农业部公益性行业专项 1 项,国家海洋重大专项 1 项,海南省重大科技专项 2 项,海南省产学研一体化专项资金项目 2 项,立项总经费达 4183 万元。实验室新增仪器设备约 2000万元,新增实验室用房约 1000 平方米。

The Hainan Key Laboratory for Sustainable Utilization of Tropical Bioresources was approved by the Ministry of Science and Technology in 2010. Based on the needs of social and economic development and discipline construction in Hainan Province, the Laboratory comprehensively and systematically conducts the basic and applied basic research on sustainable utilization of tropical biological resources, taking tropical marine resources, tropical microorganisms and tropical crop resources with characteristics of Hainan Province as research objects. The Laboratory focuses on the identification, functional analysis and exploration of potential application values of new genes in order to achieve source innovation in biotechnology and biomaterials technology. Since 2010, the Laboratory has undertaken 40 research projects at national and provincial levels, including 1 973 project, 4 GMO major projects, and 2 General Programs of National Natural Science Foundation of China, 26 Funds for Less Developed Regions of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, 1 Youth Program of National Natural Science Foundation of China, 1 Agro-scientific Research Program in Public Interest of Ministry of Agriculture, 1 National Oceanic Major Project, 2 Hainan Provincial Special Fund for Major Scientific and Technological Projects, and 2 Hainan Provincial Projects for Integration of Industry, University and Research, with total funding of 41.83 million yuan. The Laboratory has new instruments and equipment valuing at about 20 million yuan and new laboratory space of about 1,000 square meters.

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